From Seeing Is Ideology Judith Lorber Analysis

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Every day someone invents a new normal. A normal everyone must follow. However big or small the change, society adopts it almost subconsciously. Changes are not noticed upfront, but everyone accepts them nonetheless. In her article, “From Believing is Seeing: Biology is Ideology” Judith Lorber expresses how society changes and develops a rift between women and men based on the false pretenses of gender. Findings of the motivation behind steroid use in Matthew Petrocelli, Joseph Petrocelli, and Trish Oberweis’ article, “Getting Huge, Getting Ripped: A Qualitative Exploration of Recreational Steroid Use” uncovers a powerful force at work pushing men to obtain a certain body. As we analyze the theoretical claims by Lorber and Petrocelli’s study …show more content…

Magazines, news, and entertainment transmit societal changes throughout the world. Likewise, these powers pressure the individual to stay in the mold of the “norm”. In Lorber's article, she states: “It is taken-for-grantedness of such everyday gendered behaviour that gives credence to the belief that the widespread differences in what women and men do come from biology,” (Lorber 730). Conjointly, the public sets the bar for how society deems the way a female or a male should act based on the assimilation of gender-categorized acts and items. Groupthink about the human body does not only affect females; however, this thinking also sets an image for the male as well. “They believed what they read and thought that a good diet and hard workouts would get them a ‘magazine look’,” (Petrocelli 758). These beliefs about what women and men do spread throughout the world thanks to the media as stated in Lorber's article. Petrocelli confirms that men look to the magazine appearance as well in order to conform to society. Society sets an unnatural look for men. Therefore, men who desire this look lean to steroids, which allows them to elevate their growth factors exponentially, giving them the body society desires. The media uses its widespread reach over the world to bend the standards of society to its will. As new standards of living change, the view …show more content…

These ideas tend to spread through the populace resembling a hive mind. Lorber states, “Once the gender category is given, the attributes of the person are also gendered: Whatever a ‘woman’ is has to be ‘female’: whatever a ‘man’ is has to be ‘male’” (Lorber 728). Once the gender category forces itself upon an individual, all the features about the individual force them into male or female categories.Society established this way of thinking centuries ago, and as a collective mind called the categorization fact. In Petrocelli’s article he evaluated that “Amazingly, the steroid users in our study were only minimally, if at all concerned about any adverse health risks stemming from their drug use.” (Petrocelli 761) This hive mind of gym culture established the idea that steroid use does not have any adverse side effects to their health. Many, in the group of steroid users that Petrocelli addressed, believed that the use of steroids hold no adverse effects as experts claimed. Groupthink prefers society's view on the true image of “man” over the personal health of the

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