Perfect Family Essay

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Despite what some people believe, there is no such thing as a perfect family. All families have their faults and sometimes it’s enough to tear a family apart, but if all of the members of a family care for one another and are willing to go the extra mile to help each other, then it’s good enough. My parents always tell me, “No matter what your decision is, we will support you no matter what.” Whenever I feel like the world is against me or if my life just isn’t going how I want it to, I know that I can always lean on my family for support. My family consists of my dad, my mom, my sister, my grandma, and me. Each of my family members have their own special place in my heart, and so in this personal anthology, I hope to share what each of my family member mean to me. …show more content…

I will be the first to admit that they aren’t perfect. My mom loves to lecture to me about time management, homework priorities, and test scores, even though she sits and relaxes to a game solitaire on her phone instead of folding the mountain of laundry on our couch. While my dad continuously reviews all the aspects of soccer with me, without any regard to the fact that I have been playing the sport for nearly nine years now. And yet, my parents are the only people in my life that I can look at and say for certain, “They will always have my back.” With this in mind, my first section of my anthology is dedicated to my dad. I included the poem, “A Nation’s Strength” by William Ralph Emerson, which

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