Perceived Service Quality Essay

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2.3.3 Perceived Service Quality Sachdev and Verma (2002) defined customer perceptions as “beliefs about service received i.e. experienced service”. The position of a customer perception of service quality on the continuum depends on the nature of discrepancy between the expected service and the service perceived by the consumer. When the expected service a customer wants is more than the actual service being rendered to the customer, service quality will obviously be unsatisfactory and will tend towards totally unacceptable quality with increased (negative) discrepancy between expected service and perceived service. When expected service is less than perceived service, Perceived Service Quality (PSQ) is more than satisfactory and will tend towards ideal quality with increased (positive) discrepancy between expected and perceived service. Service quality here will be satisfactory as customers’ expectation has been exceeded. Suuroja (2003) in his study compared the different views of service quality conceptualization by different authors and observed the coincidences in their works. Such include the dimensions of service quality derived from the different factors; and the different overview levels of the factors. The connecting of the different overviews, a general framework was conceived for PSQ indicating the converging and diverging points in the framework. Based on the key parts of service delivery process and distinguishing between the process involved in service and the outcome of service as the overall dimensions, customers use in evaluating service quality. Customers’ expectations are known as values of service delivery which serve as standard against which performance is measured. While evaluating service quality,... ... middle of paper ... ...tating that dissatisfied customers can decide to: • discontinue the purchase of the products or services • complain to the company or to a third party and perhaps return the item, or • engage in negative word-of-mouth communication. As pointed out by Singh (2006), customer satisfaction is important because, “satisfaction influences repurchase intentions whereas dissatisfaction has been seen as a primary reason for customer defection or discontinuation of purchase”. 2.3.8 Service Quality Perception of E-Banking. Service quality in the banking sector is not easily identified, according to Lovelock (1996), as it captures the aspects of products and services that the potential customers would like to assess before they choose the product and service, Vanniarajan and Anbazhagan, (2007). The identified variables in the service quality of perception of E-banking are;

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