Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun an Article by Linda M. Hasselstrom

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In the article “Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun” Linda M. Hasselstrom, explains a series of events that prompt her to an important decision. It was a decision that changed her life. Hasselstrom is a respected writer who has written several books on based on personal, life experiences. In this particular article she gives examples of events that have occurred to her that forced her take a decision of carrying a gun. She explains that throughout her 10 recent years there were varies occasions where she saw herself in a dangerous situation. During those 10 years she constantly experienced situations where she saw she needed protection, and a simple self defense class wasn’t going to help. She became aware of her surroundings and eventually had experience on what to do in those types of dangerous situations. Although carrying a gun for her was something she needed when it came to protection, she also had to learn that it was a huge responsibility.
In the article Hasselstrom mentions that the right to carry a concealed weapon is a very controversial subject. There are many that do not believe in having a handgun is the solution to a dangerous problem. In the other hand, there are others who believe handgun possession is a great idea. The main idea that Hasselstrom is trying to portray is that women should be extremely cautious especially when they are alone. Women should be able to defend themselves against their attacker when they feel they are in certain situations. Her solution was to carry a handgun with her. Even though Hasselstrom solution has worked for her, it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. Her events that took her to make the decision to carry a handgun is based on personal experiences and not statis...

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... I have to do what is best for my family. Even though it is just a BB gun it is still a dangerous weapon to have, someone might get hurt, it is not a toy. The gun is just for protection and after services. I have also considered having my personal gun, and the reason for that is that travel by myself most of the time. I drive far way to go to school, so I am alone during those hours, there is no one to protect me. Another reason is whenever I go to the library from 6pm to midnight, the parking lots are empty. I need some type of protection if there are malicious people waiting for their next victim. It is a crucial decision to consider all the pros and cons when it comes to having weapons, either in the household or with you. This weapon should be use only when there are no other options, it is not for people to go and look for trouble in hopes they have to use it.

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