Patient Safety Essay

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(Carayon & Wood, 2011 p. 1). It remains one of the top priorities in healthcare particularly in hospitals (Vintzlieos, Finamore, Sicuranza, & Ananth, 2013, p. 1). Many studies have been conducted to verify the processes and healthcare systems that need improving, so health care facilities can provide quality care and patient safety. Patient safety concerns have caught the attention of several health care affiliates and influential regulatory and government organizations including international health organizations.
According to Carayon & Wood (2011), in 2004, the World Health Organization launched the World Alliance for Patient Safety. The World Alliance for Patient Safety has targeted the following patient safety issues: prevention of healthcare-associated …show more content…

Healthcare professionals have recognized how patients can make a valuable influence in their own safety (Davis, Sevdalis, & Vincent, 2010, p. 1). Atoof et al. (2013) stated to improve quality service and patient safety one of the main steps is including patients in safety issues, interacting with them, educating them, and providing safety lessons. Gibson (2007) indicated patients have three roles in improving patient safety. According to Gibson (2007), patients need to report all safety concerns to health providers so they can be addressed along with the other concerns conveyed by doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and others. Secondly, patients and family members should ask questions and listen carefully to the physician orders once he or she makes their rounds. Since documentation is vital in the healthcare industry, all medical records, orders, and notes are entered on laptops provided in each patient’s room. Once the physician exit the room, patients and family members can reach out to the assigned nurse for clarification regarding the physician orders or any other questions. Nurses have the ability to review notes and all orders entered on the laptop. Lastly, Gibson (2007) stated patients are collective action as citizens to improve safety” (p.

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