Partnership With Families In Education

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(A) Introduction
What is partnership with families?
Partnership with families is a combination of relationships and activities that involves educators, parents and other family member of a student at a centre. Successful partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect, and shared responsibility for the education of the children.

Why is partnership with families important?
Families are the first educators of their children and they continue to influence their children’s learning and development during the early years and long afterwards. Schools have important responsibility in helping to nurture and teach future generations. Additionally, families trust schools to provide educational foundations for their children’s future. At the same time, centres need to recognize the primary role of the family in education. This is why it is important for families and schools to work together in partnership. …show more content…

Parents will be familiar with their child’s strengths, personality, moods and behaviours very well. Educators can also get to know a child well through their daily experiences and is able to share their understanding of how the children develop. When families and educators work together, they are able to exchange information and set on focusing on meeting the child’s needs and supporting their development.
Children who see their parents or caregivers communicating well and being friendly with educators will study on how to relate well to others. Children then build trust and feel safe with educators who are respected and supported by their family; one whom respect and support their family in return. They will also feel comfortable at their early years of developmental stage and enjoy positive experiences. Children will feel valued and important when families and educators support and respect each other equally and take an interest in their lives.

Benefits for

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