Participating In High School Essay

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In America, a considerable group of people believe that the best way to make their children successful in life is for them to succeed in school, have the highest grades possible and go to the most prestigious college possible. Parents tend to concentrate on just the academics for the sake of their children however they completely neglect the extracurricular side for children such as sports. Participating in sports brings out more than just staying active it builds character in them that will carry on beyond the sport and into their life. To some students primarily in high school, sports are seen as a way out for them which can lead to a career. Also, sports can provide to serve as a second family to those who lack stability or a proper parent …show more content…

Sports can also serve to all students as a second family to those students who are lacking a family structure at home or a parent role model. During my time in sports, I saw my teammates as brothers and saw my coaches as a second father figure. Don’t get me wrong I have a great home life and I love my family but being a part of a sports team helped me build another relationship with other people that became my second family, it’s something that I will never experience again and it was one of the best moments of my life. I know for some of my teammates the track team or the football team was their only family, they either have family that doesn’t want them or they are working all the time. For instance, the gifted athletes that were heading to play at the collegiate level spent a lot of extra time practicing with the coaches, while they were working for a scholarship they also built a father-son relationship that still continues even though they are not on the same teams. During holidays past athletes still keep in contact with the coaches whether it’s conditioning for the pros or quality time. In my opinion people who haven’t been a part of high school sports do not see this, they don’t know that the importance of sports goes beyond the field it stays with you for life and shapes you for the person you're going to be when you grow …show more content…

Adults need to see the value in sports activities and the impact they can have on the development of a student, it goes beyond the sport itself. This cannot be duplicated anywhere else these experiences are a once in a lifetime opportunity. According to Richard Bailey “Intervention studies have produced generally positive results, including improvements in moral reasoning, fair play and sportspersonship, and personal responsibility” (Bailey.) evolving the mental toughness of a student athlete. High School sports creates a community among the students while building character that will lead to them being successful later on in life. Life is about building relationships and memories, inspirational people are constantly talking all the time about the memories they experience on their high school and the advice they have received from their coach. Being book smart isn’t everything that's a fact being well rounded in multiple qualities is better in the long

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