Paris Blues Essay

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We have the South to thank for birthing the best sounds of music, jazz. Jazz fills the streets of Harlem with the tunes of sultry saxophone fused together with a trumpet, drum and keyboard. Just as Jazz has migrated from the South so has one of Harlem’s famous Jazz club owners, Samuel Hargrass Jr. Sam prides himself in stating that he is what is different among all the Jazz scenes in Harlem today. Located in the heart of Harlem, the Paris Blues has provided jazz lovers the satisfaction of live entertainment every night for the past 49 years.
According to Sam, one of his most pressing times was coming into the neighborhood after the race riots in Harlem in 1964 which set a clear divide as far as race in the city. Despite the tension, Sam decided to move in on the top floor of the corner of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd and open his business Paris blues downstairs. …show more content…

That’s where the Blues came from in the name and for the Paris part? Well first off, there was this Paris trend around the city where everything was named Paris but more importantly Sam dates back to how African Americans trusted in the French for fair treatment “Back in the Jim Crow South the French treated black people better than we would be treated here so we found out about that , , during my time a lot of famous black people who was here had to go to Paris to get equal billing and equal treatment a lot of us did that and that made us like the French” Sam

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