Parenting Methods In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Many parents all over the world teach their kids in many different ways. Some methods, however, may be more or less effective than others. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A MockingBird, some of these parenting methods are seen as Atticus, the father of Scout and Jem Finch raises two children into adults. Atticus is a father that gives lots of leeway to his children which allows them to become very independent. Although Atticus gives leeway to his two kids, he also lets them know when enough is enough. When Jem and Scout get into trouble, Atticus is always able to talk it out and let them know why they are wrong without being irrational. When Jem and Scout do not think that something is fair, Atticus allows them to negotiate and come to an agreement on many things. Atticus is a parent that is very …show more content…

While explaining the different types of parenting methods it is stated that, “A parent who rates high in both demandingness and responsiveness is considered authoritative. This parenting style is defined by clear limits on the child’s behavior, and the ability to reason and communicate openly with their child” (Martin and Hite). This perfectly describes the way Atticus raises his kids. Scout and Jem are allowed to discuss what they did wrong with Atticus and are able to further understand what they did wrong and how to fix it creating a very effective parenting style. Atticus is also able to negotiate with his kids, when Scout and Atticus got in a fight over going to school, Atticus proposes to Scout, ”If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just as we always have” (Lee 41). Reasoning with Scout convinced her to do something she did not want to do, proving to be a very effective method. The way Atticus communicates to his children while providing rules and expectations impacts his children in many positive

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