Atticus As A Father In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Have you ever thought what a father does for his children? Or how much he does for his children? In To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus is a normal father who makes mistakes. It is okay to make mistakes as a father, but also as a human. Atticus makes mistakes sometimes, but he is also a very admirable father. He makes sure his kids are cared for, even when he is not home. Atticus makes sure his kids are taken care of when he is not home, but even when he is home. He has Calpurnia, their cook, to help take care of Scout and Jem when they get home from school and he is not home yet. He makes sure to talk to them when he does get home, asks them about their day, or how school that day was. Scout once said, “Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us,read to us,and treated us with courteous detachment.”(Lee, 7) Atticus is a good father because he makes sure Scout and Jem stay out of trouble, and even when they do get in trouble, he punishes them so they will not do it again. …show more content…

Some people in this day in age do not teach their kids respect, but they expect respect from other kids. If kids do not learn to respect at a young age, like Scout and Jem have been taught, then they will never learn to respect their peers. Atticus teaches his kids to be nice even when people are not nice to them. Atticus is a good father in the way that he talks to Scout and Jem, he does not treat them like the young kids they are, in Atticus’s eyes, they are adults. He does not sugar coat things. Scout was listening in on Atticus and his brother’s conversation one night about the Tom Robinson case, and Atticus knew Scout was listening but he still did not change how he was talking to his brother because he wanted Scout to hear the whole truth (Lee,

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