Essay On Atticus Is A Bad Father

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In the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, we are introduced to the character Atticus. He is a hard working single parent of two who is kindhearted and does what he believes is right and treats everyone equally. Being such a hard worker, his mind is often on work, even at home, which means less time spent with his children. While Atticus may make some mistakes as a parent, overall he is an admirable father.
Some may believe that my opinion is wrong and believe that Atticus fails as a father. One could argue this because he is very busy and often times carries his work home with him. He occasionally misses out on his children's activities such as skipping Scout’s play. These are things that happen to all parents occasionally, because they’re human! Atticus makes very minor mistakes when compared to other parents in
The biggest example of this is when he takes the Tom Robinson case even though he knows what everyone will think of him and how they will treat him because of taking the case. Many people in Maycomb are racist and very against Atticus defending a black man, even his own family members are against it. Jem and Scout’s cousin Francis states, “I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family.” (Lee 110) Atticus uses these hurtful words as a teachable moment to show his children how to take the criticism and hate with a grain of salt and just let it roll off. He treats everyone in Maycomb equally telling Scout “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Lee 39) This quote goes to show that Atticus is not racist and doesn't care much about social status, if someone needs a hand he is there to lend them one no matter who they

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