Influences on Adolescence: Parenting or Peer Pressure?

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In parenting does it truly make a difference in adolescence life? As a parent you can do absolutely everything right and still it can turn out bad. One mother said she followed all the rules when it came to SIDS and her baby still died. Sometimes we question what would it be like to be child free, why do we do all this, is being a parent truly happiness?
According to some, parents do not truly make any difference in children's lives. According to Judith Harris peers are who shape teens lives, David Rowe genetics, Judy Dunn and Carol Kendrick the siblings are who shape each other’s lives. In contrary Jerome Kagan argues that parents are who shape children's lives. You never hear an author giving credit to peers they always give the credit to their parents, same for singers or actors.
Diana Baumrind did a study on 154-year-old children. She also interviewed their mother studying their warm control and the response and demands. In 1967 her results she came up with three different types of parenting and later there was a fourth added. One type of parenting is …show more content…

The correlation between the permissive parenting and the child is a child results in low self-control and are very difficult. The authoritarian parent's child end up being discontent, withdrawn, and fearful. The authoritative parent’s child become independent, cheerful, cope very well, and these children seem to thrive more than any other children.
Styling the parenting does matter and parents do make a difference in children's life's overall to balance control and warmth is the more positive style of parenting. Many psychologist have done studies on the different styles of parenting and all seem to have the same conclusion. Eleanor Maccoby also had a study on parenting styles and had four basic groups and her finding agree with Diana Baumrind. Parenting needs to have a balance and structure, children need give and take, love with

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