1. Art in Your World What Is Art? A work of art is the visual expression of an idea or experience. Visual art includes many types of media. It is used to communicate with others in ways that go beyond words. To understand a work of art, you must develop the ability to perceive. To perceive is to become deeply aware through the senses of the special nature of a visual object. People create art to serve many functions. (1) They create art to express personal feelings. (2) They use art to express a family, community, or civilization's identity. (3) Often, artists create art to express spiritual beliefs. (4) Some artists use new ideas and technologies to give functional objects, such as cars and buildings, new and interesting forms. (5) Artists often create art to teach people. This book will help you understand and recognize all the visual arts. Why Do Artists Create? The urge to create art is universal. Artists are creative individuals who use imagination and skill to communicate in visual form. They are driven by their sense of wonder and curiosity. However, the impulses that drive artists to create vary. Different artists can represent the same event or idea in very different ways. Artists get their ideas from many different sources. (1) Some artists, like the landscape painters of the Hudson River School, get ideas from nature. (2) Other artists get ideas from people and real-world events. (3) Many artists interpret myths and legends in their work. (4) In every culture, art is used to express spiritual and religious beliefs. (5) Many artists develop creative techniques to create their art. For example, Jackson Pollock expressed his personal feelings by creating a new technique?dripping paint onto canvas (Figure 1.13, page 14).... ... middle of paper ... ...) Description: Ask, when, where, and by whom was the work created. You can get the basic information from the credit line, but you would need to do further research to learn about the artist. (2) Analysis: Ask, what is the style of the work? Can the work be associated with an art movement? To analyze an artist's individual style, look at how the artist uses the elements and principles of art to express personal feelings and ideas, and compare several works by the same artist. (3) Interpretation: Ask, how did time and place affect the artist's style in terms of subject matter, composition, and content? Find out about the artist's life and surroundings and which other artists influenced him or her. (4) Judgment: Now, ask whether this work is significant in the history of art. For clues, you can read what art historians say about the artist and make your own assessment.
It is art fulfilling its role in society. It is art that brings the moral issues. It is art that makes us human.
If I were to ask you what is art, and how can one find it? What would you say? Well if it were me being asked those question, I would simply say that art to me is a form of a picture; a visual painting or model of some design and it could be found all among us. You may define it differently only because art could be defined in many ways. I could simply say that art to me is a form of a picture; a visual painting or model of some design. Well according to an article written by Shelley Esaak, an art history expert she mentioned that art has a way of stimulating different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. She also mentioned that art gives us a way to be creative and express ourselves. [1]
What does the work consist of? Who authored it, and how? What is it based on, and how does it relate? What is it, and what will become of it? The answers to these questions, collectively, form an important response to a bigger question: What is art? What does it mean to describe a piece as “a work of art”?
Art can mean many different things to many different people and was one of the earliest ways in which man has expressed him or herself to others, whether it was through cave drawings or hieroglyphics. It does not begin or end with just drawing or painting, items typically considered art, or the many other recognized facets of art including architecture, drama, literature, sculpting, and music. My research is based on Vincent van Gogh art, and two art paintings that I choose to study is The Starry Night, 1889, and the second art is The Sower 1888. Vincent van Gogh’s is known for Impressionism, that occurs to us in these times, much more to affirm close links with tradition, and to represent
Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue’s face tells us the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how we judge a piece of art. The type of lines used in a piece can send different messages. A sculpture, for example, may have been carved with hard, rough lines or it may have been carved with smoother, more flowing lines that portray a kind of gentleness.
In the University Of Arizona Museum Of Art, the Pfeiffer Gallery is displaying many art pieces of oil on canvas paintings. These paintings are mostly portraits of people, both famous and not. They are painted by a variety of artists of European decent and American decent between the mid 1700’s and the early 1900’s. The painting by Elizabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun caught my eye and drew me in to look closely at its composition.
The act of creating art is rarely, if ever, a truly original action. The literary scholar Harold Bloom coined the phrase anxiety of influence, which describes the belief that there is no such thing as an original poem: “new poems originate mainly from old poems; that the primary struggle of the young poet is against the old masters.” The same is true
History plays a very important role in the development of art and architecture. Over time people, events, and religion, have contributed to the evolution of art. Christianity has become a very common and well established religion, however, in the past it was hidden and a few people would worship this religion secretly. Gradually, Christianity became a growing religion and it attracted many converts from different social statuses. Christian art was highly influenced by the Greco-Romans, but it was immensely impacted by the establishment of the Edict of Milan in the year 313 AD. The Edict of Milan was so significant that scholars divide Christian art into two time periods, time before and after the Edict of Milan of 313.
We encounter art everyday. Art is paintings and sculptures, music and dance, film and photography. It is also fashion designing and architecture, novels and magazines. These seemingly different things have one thing in common – they are all ways in which humans convey themselves. For thousands of years, humans have used symbols to tell a story or describe a struggle. Art is the use of these symbols, symbols that represent us in some distinct way.
Art is an expression of feelings, body language, and culture produced by humans. Art can be expressed in many different ways, and in many different forms from time to time! You’d be amazed with the different types of skilled work artists come up with each day and it’s all just someone, one person expressing how they feel or what they believe. One form of art that I find very interesting is Fauvism.
From Mark Twain to Vincent van Gogh, each genre of art comes with its greatest master. There are many compelling arguments to why this specific artist, musician or writer is the best in their category. In modern days, we don’t have a Mozart, or a Hemingway or even an Andy Warhol. There are many good artists of their own kind and many more are emerging thanks to new technology and new forms of media art. However, many arguments are made as to why these forms of art aren’t considered true forms of art. A few years back and even today, many argue that digital paintings aren’t real art so it is not surprising when people don’t think of a video game as an art form, but it is. The world is at constant change and so is art.
Art is an expressive form of creativity and expression. Art involves the basic elements and principles that aid to form paintings, sculptures, and other forms of artwork.
In the art community there is a lot of controversy in distinguishing what the difference between an artist and a designer. Designers are told they are not artist and they need to stop thinking they are artist. When dealing with art and design specific demographics and viewers interpret the messages of each subject in different ways. Art is said to be elucidated and design is said to be understood. Artists usually develop a work of art with the intention of bringing an emotion viewpoint, instinctive feeling, and or state of mind. When you look at an artist work it cannot be limited to just exhibiting one individual thought or just one individual meaning. That is a big difference when it comes to graphic design. Graphic design usually has a very specific goal and point to make. When dealing with graphic design there should not be any room or space for any mixed messages or multiple meanings. The audience of the design should immediately understand the design that the designer created. Art connects to people differently in so many ways. The only reason it connects to people in different ways is only because it is interpreted differently.
“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life” (Picasso). These words about the fine arts describe not only life in general, but also apply to everyday life of public school students. Many students need something to divert their attention away from jaded academics that cause them stress and mental deterioration. Fine arts are the solution to that problem; unlike academics and athletics, they provide an outlet for students to be creative and discover their talents without the pressure other courses produce. Additionally, the arts stimulate the brain, and generally promote positive brain activity and development in teenagers. So, if fine arts positively affect students, then why are they so
Human’s have always struggled to express themselves. Art, is considered by many to be the ultimate form of human expression. Many assume that art has a definition, but this is not the case. Art, it can be said, is “in the eye of the beholder.” This simply means that what you consider art, someone else would not. Art is part of a person’s internal emotions, which signifies why different people see art as different things. Every type of culture and era presents distinctive and unique characteristics. Different cultures all have different views of what art can, and would be, causing art itself to be universally renowned throughout the world.