Paradoxes of Power in Sociological Insight by Randall Collins

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Paradoxes of Power in Sociological Insight by Randall Collins

It may be said that the institution of power has always been a prevalent force in our

society. It is a large part of what holds society together; without it civilized society as we know it

would not exist. The functions of power range from keeping crime at bay to the more

commonplace aspects such as allowing patrons to be served in a restaurant. The notion of power

is almost invisible until further analyzed; it is something that we perceive as being simple

and therefore take for granted. Yet there are so many intricacies in regard to power that still

remain to be seen. In Chapter Three of Sociological Insight by Randall Collins, the author

establishes some valid points concerning power. He posits that power is something of a self-

contradiction, that it is often most effective when subtly exercised. Collins also delves into the

various forms that power may take, such as money and coercion, which are negated as valid forms

of power. Lastly, the importance of implicit principles and understandings is emphasized, also

illustrating that power is most firmly established in the realms of both certainty and uncertainty.

In accordance with the title of Chapter Three, Paradoxes of Power, Collins' main point is

that power is truly a contradiction; the word itself evokes images of monarchs and times long

gone by. But in the present day and an era marked by the rise of democracy, power has little to

do with such institutions; rather it something that is exercised on high levels as well as lower ones.

Although it is something not often thought about, power is everywhere. It is evident in the legal


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...ercion are proven to be

inefficient forms of power.

In analyzing the institution of power so closely, the author has brought to light a multiple

of viewpoints on power in its many forms. Perhaps he wishes to break down the components of

power in order for it to be seen in a simpler light and to emphasize the egalitarian nature of

humanity in spite of social classifications, by elucidating the fact that power is something that can

be learned.

What I have gathered from this analysis is mainly the duality of power. It is at times both

complex and startlingly basic, due to the fact that, with the exclusion of philosophers, it is not

something often meditated upon. I have come away from this reading with the knowledge that

power is not based solely upon always having the upper hand, but rather it is knowing when to


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