Paleo Diet for Autoimmune Disorders

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Paleo Diet for Autoimmune Disorders

Our body’s immune system protects us from infections and diseases. When the immune system begin attacking healthy cells and tissues in the body, this can trigger autoimmune diseases. This disorder tend to run in families and women particularly Hispanic-American, Native American, and African-American have the higher risk. Treatment involves attempts in controlling the process of the disease as well as reducing the symptoms. Medications and supplements can be effective, while some chooses to rely in the changes of nutritional intake. Paleo is one of the most controversial nutritional diet today and many have chosen to take on this diet in fighting autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune Disorders
This condition occurs when the immune system produce abnormal response against substances that are normally present in the body. The immune system becomes incapable in differentiating healthy body tissues and antigens, which results in the destruction of normal body tissues. This is usually characterized by hypersensitivity reaction almost identical to the response in allergic conditions. The cause of the autoimmune disorders are still unknown, however, there is a theory stating that some microorganisms or drugs may have trigger these changes. These can also affect one or multiple organs or tissues. Some of the most commonly affected are blood vessels, joints, muscles, red blood cells, skin, and connective tissues.

Examples of autoimmune disorders include:
Multiple sclerosis - is an autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system including the spinal cord and brain.
Addison’s disease - is a disorder wherein the adrenal glands produce limited hormones, which are not sufficient for the body.

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...o, dill, lavender, lemongrass, mint, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, and thyme
Pantry items - apple-cider vinegar, anchovies, coconut flour, dried fruit, olives, sardines, and tuna

Foods to be given up
Grains - barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, spelt, teff, and wheat
Beans and Legumes - black beans, chick peas, lentils, lima beans, peanuts, kidney beans, and soybeans
Seeds - anise, canola, chia, coriander, cumin, fennel seed, mustard, nutmeg, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower
Eggs - chicken, duck, and goose
Nightshades - cayenne, eggplant, goji berry, habanero, jalapeno, paprika, potato, tomato, and wolfberries
Nuts - almond, coffee, cocoa, hazelnut, pecan, macadamia, and walnut
Dairy - butter, cheese, cream, cream cheese, milk, and yogurt
Alcohol - all kinds
Processed foods - cookies, pretzels, protein bars, sweetened sodas, and energy drinks

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