Overview of a Computer Systems Analyst

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Computers have changed our lives in many many different ways. We do a lot of things from computers and our portable devices such as get music, watch videos, pay bills, order dinner, keep connected with friends on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, take college classes online, and many other things that I could make a 5 page list of all the things it can help us do straight from home but that would bore you to death. Now that I have told you how computers have changed our lives and how they are used in daily life let me tell you the importance of the people working in computers and IT. These people are very important because without them who would you go to for help with your computer, make sure your information is safe, get viruses off your computer and keep it safe for kids from being attacked? That’s right you wouldn’t be able to do any of this. That’s why they’re there when you need it.
Specifically what my main goal in this paper is to help you understand what a Computer Systems Analyst is, what they do, things like those that explain everything about a Computer Systems Analyst. You could probably guess from the name of this job title that the main function of a Computer Systems Analyst is to determine how a computer system can best help something. Well this is exactly the key role of what they do is determine how a computer system can best serve a business or organization's needs. David P. Bieg says “You need to understand how systems interact, but you don’t really need to understand the core of every technology---it’s really about how information and process flows through the system.” Someone who is working as a Computer Systems Analyst is going to to have to be big-picture oriented and be able to understa...

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...g, and asking good questions. The second category called people and technology systems includes two skills: figuring out how a system should work and how changes in future will affect it, and the second skill being able to measure how well a system is working and how to improve it. The final category of problem solving only includes one skill which is noticing when a problem happens and being able to figure out how to fix it. (mynextmove)

Works Cited

http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Computer-and-Information-Technology/Computer-systems-analysts.htm http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/computer-systems-analyst http://www.truity.com/career-profile/computer-systems-analyst http://jobsearchtech.about.com/od/computerjob13/a/systems_analyst.htm http://www.indeed.com/salary/Computer-Systems-Analyst.html

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