Overprotection of Biodiversity

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Overprotection of Biodiversity

"Extinction is normal"(pg26, 1st paragraph). However, the rate this

process is happening is up to us, to some extent. In this article, two

sides are discussing this rate. One side is arguing that biodiversity

is overprotected and the other the opposite.

The first argument, against protection of biodiversity, states that

"at a macro level, there is a tradeoff between production/consumption

of timber and production/consumption of related environmental

amenities"(pg28, 2nd paragraph). In terms of economy that is very

true, however, I believe the author is missing some points. Even

though people face tradeoffs in their lives, most of the tradeoffs

have one beneficial outcome. After this the author introduced the idea

of tragedy of the commons, a term which we are familiar from economy

(pg29, 4th paragraph). I did not understand how this affected the

biodiversity or the protection of it in anyway. Among the others, his

best argument was the one about costs to people. He stated that some

people have different costs and this differentiation causes

overprotection of the biodiversity. "It is irresponsible to enact

environmental policies…production of environmental amenities." (pg31,

2nd paragraph). Overall, before reading the second argument, this

argument was convincing enough for me-especially with the help of his

last point.

On the other hand, the other argument claims that biodiversity is not

overprotected and should be taken more seriously. The example he gives

about the tree which might have a substance to prevent HIV virus

(pg32, 5th paragraph) stands as a good example. In his argument, he

states that there is some government regulations but they are still

not enough. "So bits and pieces around…important hot spots" (pg34, 1st

paragraph). Also the issue concerning the pharmaceutical companies is

a potential problem. "Pharmaceutical companies have been slow to

screen and make use of natural products because of fear of not being

able to secure patent rights, because theoretically, or I should say

legally, a natural product is not patentable." (pg34, 3rd paragraph).

This also can be a solution for the problem if government can find a

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