'Out Of Print' By Eric Alterman

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“Out of Print” written by Eric Alterman is a very informative article. It relates to me in a major way considering that I’ve been interested in journalism all of my life. I get my daily news from CNN, the thought of reading a newspaper never crossed my mind.There has been a major decline in newspapers due to technology’s rapid advancement. Is this a good shift in our society? How long will print journalism be used? Many scholars believe that newspapers will not be around much longer. We must adapt with the technological changes in our society. Many also believe that newspapers will always be relevant. I believe that newspapers have no worth in today’s society. Why do we need them? We can simply access the news via cell-phone or computer. “Independent, publicly traded American newspapers have lost forty-two per cent of their market value in the past three years, according to the media entrepreneur Alan Mutter.” …show more content…

Many have started a career writing for newspapers, the downfall has to be horrific to these people. We are now in the digital age! The internet is less expensive for advertisers opposed to newspaper advertisements. A perfect example is the social networking website Twitter. It is a great site for blogging, advertising, and basically sharing your thoughts to users worldwide. Many of us have lives away from home and our only contact with these news outlets are our electronic devices. We are in a day in age where news updates can be sent directly to your phone. Breaking news is easily accessible simply by the alerts that you can place on your mobile device. The internet has many different links with different information which makes newspapers very dull to the reader in a sense. This brings forth the feeling of being more informed. The need is very low when you have an electronic device to make everything

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