Is Print Media Dead?

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Print media and journalism in general has a bright future in the upcoming decade. I do believe that it is shifting, and we may have to redefine journalism. Journalism has always defined newspapers, magazines, and the printed word. Broadcast journalists also earn that distinction but to a lesser degree because of the medium they work in. I do think that the printed works of journalists are here to stay for a long time. The area that I see changing is where the words are going to be printed. Words are they going to be on paper or on electronic screens?
I have always liked newspapers. They can be taken anywhere by anyone. They can also be folded into paper airplanes and thrown around classrooms. The final resting-place of many newspapers is the bathroom. I know that in my house that is where the front page and sports section is. This particular journalism class likes newspapers. I walk in and see many of my classmates reading one everyday. The technology for the extinction of newspapers has been around for fifty years. Fifty years has passed and still newspapers and magazines hold a dominant place in the culture of every race on earth. What makes them so attractive?
The information they contain is the main attraction. A poor family in Italy can find out how their favorite soccer team did against the English. A starving Ethiopian can find out when the next shipment of humanitarian aid is coming to his village. We Americans can find out if McDonalds is coming out with a new combo...

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