Our Education System Is Killing Creativity

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It is often said that the creative adult is the child that survived, implying that there was some kind of death that occurred along the way. Logic knows what I had yet to figure out in leaving university; creativity cannot exist in solidarity. I cannot wake up one day and decide, “I will be creative without the preceding training and skills that are crucial to the creative process.” Dr. Larry Dossey, a physician of internal medicine says it as so: “Someone who doesn’t know arithmetic will never be a great mathematician. A tone deaf person will never compose majestic music and someone who is not grounded in the classics can never be a great philosopher” (Dossey, 2013).

Herein lies the problem. The children that we are educated are and will be faced with new challenges that current education systems all over the world have been failing to meet. It would seem that structures of mass domain education suppress the innately imprinted creativity found in every living person and widely known specialist on the subject, Sir Ken Robinson, goes as far as saying that we are, “educating people out of their creativity” (Giang, 2013). But if the school system is to make adjustments to explore and cultivate creativity more how are they to do so without losing total structure? Robinson acknowledges this by saying that, “in every creative approach some of the things we’re looking for are hard, if not impossible to quantify. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t matter.”


For nostalgia’s sake I recently hired one of my favourites’ from the movie store, Steven Spielberg’s 1993 hit blockbuster, Jurassic Park. The storyline is interesting.

A billionaire builds an i...

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...ssey, D. L., 2013. Where Does Creativity Come From?. [Online]

Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-larry-dossey/creativity_b_4440941.html

[Accessed 14 March 2014].

Giang, V., 2013. Our Education System Is Killing Creativity - Business Insider. [Online]

Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/a-ted-talk-on-how-the-education-systen-is-killing-creativity-2013-1

[Accessed 14 March 2014].

Robinson, S. K., 2012. Do Schools Kill Creativity? - The Huffington Post. [Online]

Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sir-ken-robinson/do-schools-kill-creativity_b_2252942.html

[Accessed 12 March 2014].

Vincent, B., 2013. Top Reasons Why Schools Kill Creativity In Students - All Voices. [Online]

Available at: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/15612069-the-top-reasons-why-schools-are-killing-creativity-in-students

[Accessed 14 March 2014].

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