Oskar Schindler Quotes

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“There was no choice. If you saw a dog going to be crushed under a car, wouldn’t you help him?” (Bülow). When one of the Jews that Oskar Schindler saved asked him why he helped the Jews in the concentration camp, he responded with this quote. Oskar Schindler viewed the tormented Jews as more than a dog in the road. He saw the quality of their lives and went against the expectations of society to save them. Oskar Schindler’s work throughout the Holocaust is an important example of someone going against the status quo for the good of others.
Oskar Schindler was not the person who you would expect to save a thousand Jews. He was born into a wealthy family. Furthermore, Schindler was very greedy, promiscuous, and often times drunk. In 1938 he joined a German Military Intelligence Service called Abwehr, which had connections to the SS and Gestapo. On the contrary, Schindler was also raised Catholic and was childhood friends with the two sons of a Rabbi. He was compassionate and helped anyone in need. While focusing on making a profit he bought a factory for enamelware. At first it was this motivation to make some money that he hired Jews as a form of cheap labor. Schindler became more compassionate over time and protected his workers, …show more content…

He used “evil things” in order to help his Jews. He had to make bribes to SS officers and used the black market to buy precious things for these bribes. Schindler lied on factory records in order to protect elderly Jews or children too young to work. He took people who were abused in concentration camps into his factory. Away from the harshness of the SS officers, they were rejuvenated and more productive in the factory. He made barracks for his workers using his own money that had its own showers and laundry. Schindler did everything to show respect to the Jews he was saving. Nevertheless, his factory was taken down in 1944 causing all of his Schindlerjuden to be moved to a concentration camp

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