Oskar Schindler Hero And Heroism

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The Holocaust is often considered one of the darkest and most heinous periods in modern history, however there are numerous accounts of heroism and selfless charity to emerge from the ashes. Despite the Nazi regime’s stranglehold on European affairs during a large part of the second world war, their radical and racially charged agenda was not universally accepted amongst German citizens and Nazi officials. The fear of strict punishment at the hands of the SS squashed popular outcry over the atrocities, but it did not stop the heroic acts of a few compassionate and unassuming individuals. One such hero is Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who spearheaded an effort to protect his Jewish factory workers from the uncertain fate of the the Jewish ghettos and concentration camps. When asked about his motives Schindler reported, "I just couldn't stand by and see people destroyed. I did what I could, what I had to do, what my conscience told me I must do" (Schindler). Though Schindler was himself a registered member of the Nazi party he would would ultimately be responsible for saving the lives of some twelve hundred Jews by wars end. However, the original twelve hundred are merely a portion of Schindler’s lasting impact and the real significance is in the “nearly 7,000 living descendants of Schindlerjuden (Schindler’s Jews)” (Sandweiss). Thus, Schindler’s legacy was cemented in his defiance and in his preservation of future generations of Jews around the world.
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and many do not choose a call to action but are instead compelled by their own personal convictions. Schindler did not intend to become a liberator when he made his way:
[To] Cracow from his native town of Zwittau, just across what ha...

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...resent. For those who come next, let Schindler’s heroics and selflessness forever be a testament to the power of simple humanity. Not just that, but a call to action, to aid the victims of ethnic violence. While we may think that it is a dog eat dog world out there, if you can be the one to take a stand and have the courage to stand up for justice then you are following in the footsteps of legends like Oskar Schindler. Perhaps Thomas Keneally summed it up best in his 1982 book, Schindler’s Ark, “He'd hate to be a priest, Herr Schindler said, in an era like this, when life did not have the value of a packet of cigarettes. Stern agreed but suggested, in the spirit of the discussion, that the Biblical reference Herr Schindler had made could be summed up by a Talmudic verse which said that he who saves the life of one man, saves the entire world” (Keneally).

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