Oskar Schindler Guilt

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“We must differentiate between guilt and duty. The soldier on the front, like the common man, who does his duty everywhere, should not be held responsible for the actions of a few who also called themselves Germans.” Oskar Schindler was an opportunist businessman who created a list of names to save his Jewish workers from death. He is credited with saving the lives of as many as 1200 Jews during the holocaust. Schindler was a brave man who who saved many lives during the war.
Oskar Schindler started off as a regular German businessman who was driven by profit and unmoved by the means of how he got it. This changed, however, in 1942 when he witnessed a raid on the jewish Ghetto, where soldiers packed innocent people into trains that were being …show more content…

He told his workers to purposefully start making defective products to sell to the German Army so they would not be able to fight against the allied troops properly. He even moved his factory to ensure the safety of the “Schindlerjuden”, the workers he referred to as his “my children”.
There have been books written and movies produced about Schindler and what he did to protect the jews and most of them tell of how protective he was over the “Schindlerjuden.” In the movie “Schindler’s List” it tells of how when he found out that one of the workers was put on a death, he personally stopped the train and made sure that his worker got off and was safe.
There are many quotes saying that he despised the war and refused to help, he even started producing defective weapons and bullets in his factory to stop the Nazi’s. After the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto and the transfer of many Jews to the Plaszow camp, Schindler set up

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