Schindler's List Research Paper

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Steven Spielberg is arguably the most well-known director of our time. His credibility has grown since the beginning of his first film and continues to this day. During his late thirties, he received a movie script that struck the very heart of him. This movie was Schindlers List but at that point in his career, he did not feel mature enough to work on it. There was heavy pressure on him due to the fact that this movie was about the Holocaust, making it the most important film of his career. He waited almost ten years after receiving the script to even begin working on the film (“Steven Spielberg”). The film touched home for him since he grew up as a Jew and was even smacked and kicked around in high school for being one. On top of this, he had relatives that died in Poland and Ukraine during the Holocaust (Weinraub). Instead of making a movie with a Jewish protagonist, Spielberg decided to instead make a movie about Oscar Schindler who was part of the Nazi Party. Many criticized this decision, since many believed a Holocaust film should be about the Jewish struggle and not about a Nazi party member.
Schindlers List is centered on Oskar Schindler with the Holocaust in the background. He was a business man, womanizer and heavy drinker throughout his life. He was also married to Emile Pelzl but was always caught with many …show more content…

Schindlers List tries to accomplish this goal, by educating us on the horrible events that took place in Plaszow. Spielberg decided to go with a Nazi protagonist turned good instead of a Jewish protagonist struggling through the Holocaust. Schindlers List is a significant film in understanding the Holocaust because of clever film techniques, powerful scenes depicting Nazi ideology, the overall theme of the lists, and Oscar Schindler’s close ties with

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