Oracle At Delphi Research Paper

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Myths were extremely important to the culture of Anicient Greece. Throughout the rise and fall of the Ancient Greek empire, tens of thousands of poems, stories, and songs dedicated to heroes, monsters, gods, demigods and other assorted creatures were created. There were many recurring myths and characters, the most famous being or having to do with the gods and their children. The Oracle at Delphi was one of, if not the most famous Greek characters that was not a god, or related to a god. The Oracle is in almost as many myths as the gods, as she was able to accurately foresee the future, and nearly every myth that involved a quest usually involved a consultation to the Oracle. The Oracle at Delphi is arguably the most important and influential …show more content…

Apollo did not want any old oracle to speak for him. He wanted a real one. However at the time, there weren't any legitimate ones. The oracles he had met were always vague and inaccurate. For example, if you asked an oracle if you should plant your garden tomorrow, they might say "the frost will be gone if the gods will it." Not really helpful. Apollo had the power to magically make someone truly see the future, just as he could. He decided that he was going to create the one, true, great oracle. After many weeks he chose a priestess to be called Pythia. He would use his magic to allow her to truly see the future. He built a special temple for her home. Apollo's rules stated that she had to tell the truth, but she could not be too specific. This was very typical of Apollo and the rest of the Gods. It could not be so easy as her simply seeing the future and relaying that to whomever asked, she had to be vague and riddlesome so as to allow for misinterpretation. For example myth has it that one day, a weary king came to the Oracles temple at Delphi. He asked the oracle if he would win his upcoming battle. She smiled and told him a great king would win the battle, which was exactly what he had wanted to hear. He went away joyful, leaving many gifts for the oracle behind him. When he led his men into battle however, they were quickly defeated, and the king was killed. Word spread, but people still flocked to Apollo's oracle. They knew she had told the truth. She had to tell the truth. There is no proof that such a character existed in real life, but there are numerous accounts of historical events that record involvement from the Oracle at

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