Opportunity Cost Of Early Education Essay

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Anne M. Mulcahy, a former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Xerox Corporation, states, “Investing in early childhood nutrition is a surefire strategy. The returns are incredibly high” (“Anne M. Mulcahy Quotes,” n.d.). Excellent early education is the key to success in the future; however, some children do not get the proper amount and/or kind of teaching, creating huge difficulties in later life. Success of an excellent early education can be measured by reaching the three goals of macroeconomics, which are lower unemployment rates, lower inflation rates, and raising the future gross domestic product (GDP). The opportunity cost of not providing excellent early education to the youth creates a different path of future choices and actions lacking the educational opportunities needed for the growth of our economy. According to Sexton (2016), opportunity cost is “the value of the best forgone alternative that was not chosen” (p. 901). This basically means that the loss in a particular course of action is the opportunity cost. For …show more content…

According to Caprino (2014), “the wisdom and love in the world doesn’t necessarily protect [parents] from parenting in ways that hold [their] children back from thriving, gaining independence and becoming the leaders they have the potential to be” (Caprino, 2014, para. 1). Parents hold their children back from learning and experiencing the difficulties of life. The protecting natures of parents shield children from the risks, tragedies, and hardships faced in the imperfect lives of humans. Children taught by teachers other than their parents are placed in a safe atmosphere that is full of obstacles for the children to learn, grow, and conquer. These teachers are there to provide a safe learning experience for the children, yet they leave enough room for the children to experience struggle without getting emotionally trapped like

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