Operant Conditioning Assignment 2

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Assignment 2: Types of Learning Classical Conditioning: Explain and provide an example of classical conditioning. Describe the 4 elements. Why is this type of learning useful? About 10 lines. - An example of classical conditioning would be phobias. Mainly because phobias can be caused by classical conditioning. - The Four elements of classical conditioning are: 1. (US) Unconditioned Stimulus: a stimulus that can induce a reaction without the subject experiencing any preceding lessons or training. 2. (UR) Unconditioned Response: a reaction that occurs naturally without the modification to the behavior of the subject. 3. (CS) Conditioned Stimulus: a conditioned response caused by a formerly neutral stimulus that after having been associated …show more content…

Operant: Explain and provide an example of operant conditioning. Why is this type of learning useful? About 10 lines. - Operant conditioning is the form of learning associated with changes in an individuals behavior due to consequences of the behavior. - An example of operant conditioning would be telling a child that if they aren't home by the time their parents tell them to be, that they'll be given a curfew to curb their lateness or grounded. (Long-term) A mother suggests to her son that if he doesn't wash his face on a regular basis after sweating, that it could possibly lead to acne later on in life. Or in examples where in which the consequences could be life threatening (i.e. instructing a child not to stick metal objects, such as a paper clip or fork in an electrical outlet). - This type of learning is useful because it helps condition the individual into understanding the concepts of right and wrong, and other values: behaviors such as positive (acceptable), and negative (unacceptable) especially in social situations; or behavior more personal in

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