Online Piracy: Threat to the Entertainment and Software Business

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Online piracy is being a threat to the business of the music, movie, and software industries. From (n.d.), the definition of piracy is the unauthorized reproduction or use of a copyrighted book, recording, television program, patented invention, trademarked product. The focus of this paper is in the music, software, and e-book industries. Importance of Online Piracy to the Field of International Management The problem with online piracy is that companies are being affected by it and billions of dollars in revenue are lost (Upshaw and Babin, 2010). The authors mentioned that the psychological and ethical reasoning permits piracy to remain an accepted behavior (Upshaw and Babin, 2010). International business is interested in reducing software piracy rates (Hamister & Braunscheidel, 2013). Music Industry According to Upshaw and Babin (2010), states that it takes moderately a shorter time to pirate music due to the ease of downloading and sharing online than other forms of digital files, such as a software. Their study focused on information on causes, attitudes, and reasons for online piracy, which can help companies be better prepared to face piracy and stimulate legal commerce of their products. They proposed that secondary incentives, which may be harder to pirate or may not be pirated, would possibly make sales more competitive with the “free” offerings of piracy. As well as tying and online store to a software that manages music and playlists would likely increase sales. So the authors assume that a hardware associated with a particular software, like the popular iPod hardware and iTunes software combination of Apple Corporation may convey consumers with an easier, more trustworthy, and preferable alter... ... middle of paper ... ...oftware 2010 piracy study. Washington DC: Business Software Alliance. Retrieved from Google Scholar Goldman, D. (2010). Music’s lost decade: Sales cut in half. Retrieved from Hamister, J., & Braunscheidel, M. (2013). Software piracy and intellectual property rights protection. Academy of Information & Management Sciences Journal, 16(1), 15-35. Retrieved from EBSCOhost (n.d.). Piracy. Retrieved from Upshaw, D., & Babin, L. A. (2010). Music downloading: Competing against online piracy. International Journal of Business & Public Administration, 7(1), 14-26. Retrieved from EBSCOhost Zimerman, M. (2011). E-books and piracy: Implications/issues for academic libraries. New Library World, 112(1/2), 67-75. doi:10.1108/03074801111100463

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