Online Dangers

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Although technology has allowed people to expand their horizons it has also opened more doors to danger. The World Wide Web wreaks havoc on our own lives without us even knowing. From bullying to sexual predators, social media is damaging people’s reputations and even consuming their life through cyber bullying, online chat rooms, and pornography.
Cyber bullying is a leading danger in today’s online life, especially among teenagers. While many people believe to understand what cyber bullying is, not many grasp the effects of it. This can cause anxiety, depression, and, in some cases, even suicide. There are reportedly 4,400 suicide deaths a year according to the Center for Disease Control, with bullying being a big contributor to this large number. Due to the advancements in technology these days, the Internet is now accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether your at a computer or not. The invention of the smartphone has made it possible to connect to the internet no matter where we are.
Cyber bullying can take place through Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, texting, and there are no limits when having the World Wide Web at one’s fingertips. One continuously growing statistic of cyber bullying is that over 50% of minors have been bullied over the Internet, while just a little less than half have partaken in cyber bulling. Also, over 25% have not only been bullied once but repeatedly (Bullying and Suicide). This ongoing danger continues to affect the lives of not only adolescents but even adults. Once a rude comment or explicit picture has been posted online for the world to see, there is no going back and the damage has been done. Cyber bullying ruins reputations and can cause serious health issues to the person bein...

... middle of paper ... effect upon reality. In other words “It makes real sex and even the real world boring in comparison. It particularly anesthetizes the emotional life of a man” (7 Negative Effects…). Lastly and blatantly sexploitation can lead to the overall destruction of one’s family.
It is evident that social media today is a great danger. People are being exposed to its dangers more frequently and at younger ages. This leads to bullying, sexual solicitation, and sometimes even death. It is easy to brush this topic off and to think that it wouldn’t happen to one’s self but that’s not true. I myself didn’t grasp the dangers until I fell victim to bullying, sexual solicitation, and porn. This isn’t something to be taken lightly and with the right amount of precaution and awareness, social media’s dangers can be limited. This doesn’t just affect minors but also adults.

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