On Line Recruiting

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On-Line Recruiting

On-line recruiting is the process of attracting and hiring applicants for positions within an organization through use of the internet. In this paper I will assess an on-line recruitment service, identify the advantages and disadvantages of this vehicle as a recruiting technique for an organization, evaluate the pros and cons of dealing with virtual resumes, and develop criteria an organization can use for selecting an on-line recruiting service.

CareerBuilder.com is an on-line recruitment service based out of Reston, Virginia. Their resume database contains of over 1.5 million resumes, utilizes over 250 search agents, and has over 48,000 jobs posted on the main site, as well as 243,000 on their network, which consists of over fifty participating sites and network job boards. CareerBuilder.com was rated by the February 2000 Forester Report as the most efficient on-line service, and claims to provide employers with the best access and exposure to top websites such as MSN and USA Today, along with various industry sites and localized new sites. CareerBuilder.com also provides interactive banner advertising on its home site, as well as all participating job sites and career centers on the internet, providing additional advertising exposure to their cclients (Career Builder, Inc.,1996-2000). Although the Job Search Agent only hunts through jobs posted on the Career Builder network, which limits the amount of information available to their clients, CareerBuilder.com was rated by The Standard.com as ?by far the best job megasite for employers... practically perfect in every way? (Slayton,2000,popup chart).

There are several advantages and disadvantages to using this particular vehicle to recruit potential employees. Using an internet recruitment service is more cost effective; a newspaper advertisement costs between $50 to $100, and is good for approximately ten days. An internet listing costs as little as $10, and lasts up to thirty days. Internet services also provide immediate results, where as newspaper ads can take as long as one week for the company to receive any responses. Lastly, utilizing the internet provides an employer access to a greater number and range of applicants . Disadvantages include a greater amount of responses to review, which can be very time consuming, many of which may not be ...

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In summary, the introduction of the internet has completely altered the way employers hire, how individuals seek out work, how employees feel about their current employer, and how companies manage human resources. The utilization of an on-line recruitment service has become a necessary, as well as very effective way, to organize and manipulate the information available to both employers and employees adequately in today?s job market.


Career Builder, Inc. (1996-2000). About Us. CareerBuilder.com. [On-Line]. Available: http://corporate/ourcompany.html.

Career Builder, Inc. (1996-2000). What We Do. CareerBuilder.com. [On-Line]. Available: http://corporate/employers.html..

Slayton, Joyce (2000). Recruiter Beware. The Industry Standard Magazine.

[On-line]. Available: http://www.thestandard.com/article/table/0,213,18304-1,00.html?popupw=511

Dessler, Gary (2000) . Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Human Resources at Wharton (2001). How On-Line Recruiting Changes the Hiring Game. Knowlege at wharton.Com. [On-Line]. Available:


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