Omnivore Diet Essay

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An Omnivore vs Carnivore Lifestyle
While at one time it may have been true that humans needed meat to survive, now it's true to state that we can live off of a plant-based diet. The human body can sustain a healthy balance on a vegetarian diet. To have a healthy diet, it means to stay healthy especially by eating foods that give a nutritional balance, nutrients like fats, water, minerals, and carbohydrates. A vegetarian is someone who doesn't consume meat or sometimes even fish, this can be for many reasons including religious or moral beliefs and/or health reasons. Humans are designed to be able to sustain a omnivore lifestyle, vegetarians benefit health wise, environmentally the earth benefits, and we need to abide by the idea of Animal Rights. Using animals for unnecessary human services is wrong, humans need to convert to an omnivore lifestyle. …show more content…

Health benefits like cleansing your system and our body can sustain an omnivore based diet. It positively affects multiple organs, like the heart and the kidneys. Some opposing viewpoints could claim protein helps build muscle and strength. While in some instances this is true, many times the calcium in our bones is damages and lost, as a result of meat-eaters eating too much protein that the body doesn't need. "Researchers Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn have a program that includes a vegetarian diet and is currently one of the few programs that has been proven to reverse heart disease. Lastly, a vegetarian diet reduces cholesterol." Claims Animal Liberation Front. Helping humans live and having less chance of organ failure in many part parts of the body. In conclusion, according to the USDA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we don't need meat to sustain a healthy and nutritional diet, even trying or being vegetarian can help the

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