Oedipus The King Costumes Essay

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One of the basic elements of theatrical production is costumes. In Oedipus the King, a 1984 movie adaptation of a prominent tragedy written by Sophocles in 429 BC, costumes provide a unique feel and version. The tragedy follows a tragic hero named Oedipus, who seeks to find the truth about the murderer of the late king, Laius. Unbeknownst to him, he is the murderer of his own father and marries his mother, Iokasta. Costume design in the movie offers an important meaning to the play. Each character’s costume suggests which class they are from, what they symbolize, and altogether imply what time or era the tragedy is set in. Costumes help determine a character’s occupation and socioeconomic class easily. For the most part of the play, Oedipus is dressed in a fitted white tuxedo, with a golden sash and medal. His outfit suggests that he holds a position of authority in his society. In the beginning, he also wears a very long white cape-like clothing that is held by his servants. Since it is carried by his servants, this shows that he is a ruler. Much like Oedipus’ costume is Creon’s …show more content…

Since Oedipus is dressed in all white, this means purity. His medal also illustrates that he symbolizes nobility. However, in his case, it is very ironic to describe him pure and noble because he is the murderer. Therefore, his costume serves to be a symbol of irony. Compared to Oedipus’ costume, Creon’s outfit is gray with badges. The color gray is never the center of attraction. This means that Creon is not the center of this tragedy, since Oedipus is the protagonist. On the other hand, Tiresias wears a dirty white cloak with a fuzzy texture. The fuzzy texture of his costume suggests that he is like a bird. Since he is the prophet of Apollo, the god of truth and prophecy, it is obvious that he is a connection of the land and the sky, and heaven and earth. All of their costumes demonstrate

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