Obsession With the American Dream in John Cheever’s The Swimmer

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For countless years the American dream has been the golden opportunity for every person. An issue that John Cheever created in “The Swimmer,” is the obsession of the American dream. He portrays Neddy Merrill as a wealthy male with a family. Neddy is also a alcoholic and has a mistress he goes too. The story starts off with him being self center by choosing invitations that he wants to go to. He begins to swim through his neighbors pools to get to his house. As Neddy Merrill swims through the pools, it shows how his life is deteriorating into something worst. The author John Cheever shows the dream everyone wants by the lavishing parties with cocktails, big pools and houses, and the invitations that Neddy receives to these gatherings. John Cheever was an alcoholic as well and never received an official education and never graduated college. Some of his stories are based on the average middle class Americans trying to find their specific versions of the American Dream. Neddy Merrill becomes obsessed with his American dream and surely loses everything in the process.


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