Obesity in Kuwait - Causes and Effects

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The World Health Organization ranked Kuwait second in obesity, worldwide. It is not a great shock when one comes to think of the increase in the number of junk food places found around every corner. For that reason, not only are both body image and health getting affected, but a person’s self-control is too. In other words, it is hard to say no to something you want when it is right in front of you. Furthermore, the leading causes of obesity can be grouped under three headings: bad diets, unhealthy lifestyles, and unhelpful environmental factors. The first and most common cause of obesity here in Kuwait is poor food choice. The amount of junk food that the average person is in taking is immense, and so is the amount of fast food restaurants that are literally found in every neighborhood. A large amount of Kuwaitis are not aware of the nutritional value of the food they are consuming, nor do they care about this value as much as they care about the pleasurable experience of eating delicious food; thus, obesity ratings are only getting higher. Going out for dinner every other night is...

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