River Of Earth Sparknotes

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For Appalachia people, in that time period, it was good to have livestock of any kind, they needed a calf to grow up into a cow so they would have milk for the human baby to feed. One of the most important needs of having a cow in that time period was to have sustenance for family/baby. As we saw in the novel River of Earth, the cow would’ve been very significant since it would have been the main source of nutrition for the family and more essentially for the baby, as mother said “if we had us a cow her udder would be tick-tight…. It would be a sight the milk and butter we’d get” (Still’s 50). Alpha (mother) was saying that because the baby wouldn’t go hungry and would have nutrition if they had a milk. There was not that much of a conversation about the cow, in general, over the novel. How Baldridge’s family went from not having a …show more content…

We know this because as our narrator vividly describe “calf fell back weakly, though beginning to breathe again” (Still’s 65). Saul Hignight leaves the calf after bringing it to the Baldrige’s because he might have thought that calf was dead. Even though calf wasn’t their own, but they saved it because it was about to die. However, later he came to find out that calf isn’t dead and took back to his house. I strongly believe that if Saul had left the calf to the Baldrige’s family than the terrible thing that happened to the family, green being dead, family not having enough nutritious food as such, could have been avoided. One of the example that hints at baby being alive if the calf was, still Baldrige’s own is Alpha saying “If Saul Hignight hadn’t laid claim to the heifer (calf), we’d had mild and butter too. The baby might o’ lived” (Still’s 170). That shows that they (narrator’s family) would have grown calf into cow and baby might have survived because of milk and

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