Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis Essay

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Robert Frost wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay in 1923. Frost wrote this poem out of fear the world would end, he did not publish the entire poem, and modified the first section. The first section is what is featured in print. By not publishing the entire piece, he seemingly may have feared voicing his opinion, or the original work was for a certain audience. He also could have wanted to avoid sparking panic or riots, as people would believe anything they were told.
The style of the poem is a combination of a narrative and a lyric, as it tells a hidden story, but is also meant to be musical and thought provoking.

Nothing Gold Can Stay has little repetition, though it dwells on one topic for the whole poem, eluding at the same things. The only repetition …show more content…

The poem demonstrates a passage of time, though that amount of time is unclear, it clearly references slow change. Robert Frost often used the metaphor of seasons changing to demonstrate things dying, as well as beauty slowly fading.
The only character in this poem is Mother Nature, referencing our world and the nature in it. This is helpful in showing death, as the cycle of life and death in nature happens quickly and continues, so many will experience it.
Robert Frost intentionally hid the poem's meaning by using metaphors, likely so it provokes deeper thought into what it actually means, giving everybody a different view of what it means. Hiding details behind a wall formed of metaphors also helps prevent panic amongst an audience that was not targeted, since the poem was written to protest how World War I was conducted, and to warn of another, possibly larger war if certain actions continued.
Robert Frost wanted to use this poem to speak about politcal activity, and he was trying to warn of another World War, because of the way politicians acted after the first World War. He discussed heavily the end of the world in an early version, as seen in the stanza provided.

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