Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay

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Robert Frost wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay in 1923, just five years after World War 1. His original poem contains more ideas about the world ending and his political views. Frost frequently spoke out on international affairs in his way. The style of the poem is confessional, at the time that it was written he was saying the world would end soon and in the beginning of the original version he says how things( like the world) are only pure and perfect for a little while before they start to die( Like WW1 was doing) so he has saying his personal experiences with the war and how the world was changing. The title of this Nothing Gold can Stay, Although it isn't obvious from looking at the poem from looking at it unlike some other poems. The word her …show more content…

Time pases in this poem very quickly. It starts out in spring and ends up in fall and winter as the beauty of nature slowly dies and becomes colorless. it can also be talking about how when people are children they are fresh and new, but they also grow up over time. There isn't any names of characters in this poem, although it refers to her and could easily be referencing mother nature. After making the poem, Frost left out the majority of the poem before releasing it to the public because of the ideas of the world ending soon found in it. Because of this poem being about nature, nothing culturelle is mentioned or stressed. This poem is reality provided that it talks about the seasons, and refers to people being born and eventually dieing. The author's tone is most definitely neutral because there is no definite sway to a positive nor negative take on the subject. Also the tone is positive because it makes you happy and fluffy inside, instead of lonely or jealous. Though this poem is very short, it has a very easy and clear theme. The theme would be about life, and how as a child everything is perfect and golden, but as you grow up you're not golden

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