Nothing But The Truth Essay

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There are five questions that I want you to answer truthfully. Have you ever lied to someone to get them convinced that you were the victim? Did you take responsibility for the chaos that you’ve created?

Did anybody even stop to think that the attitude towards the person you hate was immature? Did anyone teach you as a child to not lie to others?

Also, did you ever stop to think that the best way to get out of the situation was to tell the truth?

If the answer is no, then don’t worry. You’re not the only. In Nothing But The Truth, written by Avi, the protagonist Philip Malloy lied to his parents about what happened in Miss. Narwin’s class.

Instead of telling them that he was purposely humming the Star Spangled Banner loudly, Philip …show more content…

What does the kid know other than his own, natural-born patriotism? And then this creep of a teacher comes along and squelches it.”

“Ted Griffen: I’m shocked that a Harrison student should be expelled from one of our schools for singing the national anthem.”)

The two quotes show that when Philip lied, they believed and accused Miss. Narwin for being a bad teacher. They assume they know everything about what happened based on the fabricated story that Philip told them. It’s actually sad that everyone believes him, but didn’t even bother to get Miss. Narwin’s side of the story.

Even though Philip’s lie made things hard for Miss. Narwin, it became complicated for him too. Why? Well, since some people are applauding him for standing up towards Miss. Narwin there were some that didn’t appreciate what he did. This left Philip no choice but to move to a new school.

The second theme for Nothing But The Truth is take responsibility for your actions because in the book, Philip never took responsibility of his actions. He talked back to Miss. Narwin and he never apologized to her.

This landed him with a two day suspension. Not only that, he didn’t take any responsibility for his lie and that made it difficult for

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