Northern Canada

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Why we choose Northern Canada as our research target in transportation sector?
The three territories occupy almost 40% land of Canada, but most people lives in southern Canada and there is few people select to live in Northern Canada.
According to the map of community scores for first nations and Inuit communities across Canada, most of communities are located in southern Canada, but there are still some first nation communities spread in Yukon and North West Territories, and some Inuit communities located in Nunavut.
One of the significant reason of this situation is the bad climate in Northern Canada. From the average temperature map, the average temperature of Northern Canada is about -20 degree, which is an extremely cold environment …show more content…

It means if the water freeze, the water transport doesn’t work.
Rail transportation: in 19 century, the first railway was built in Canada, then, rail transport gradually become one of the most important approach. However, in Northern Canada, there are few railways to operate because the severe climate makes it difficult. The railways will be damaged in freezing weather and the heavy snow will increase the possibility of accident.
Road transportation: The Alaska Highway was built in 1942 from northern BC through the southern Yukon. But northern Canada does not have a complete highway network because the low level of population. It means highways will be inefficient if they build a lot of roads.
Air transportation: nowadays, air transport become the most important way in northern Canada because it can rarely influenced by the environment and makes it efficient to deliver some goods. Also, Northern Canada has 48 certified airports and 73 aerodromes …show more content…

For example, Yellowknife, which is the capital of NWT, is a good place for travelers to watch aurora. So, tourism is one of the most significant industry to develop the economy of this community. In this situation, transportation is the important factor to attract travelers because if it has a poor transportation system, tourists will choose another place to have vacations. Absolutely, these tourists will consume in Yellowknife and promote the economic development in this

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