Norovirus, also known as the "Norwalk Virus", is a highly contagious food-related illness that got its name when it was first discovered in Norwalk, Ohio in 19721. It is said to be frequently found in cruise ships, daycares and nursing homes that hold large amounts of people in close proximity2.Causes of Norovirus include a cook or bartender serving food or drink without washing their hands properly, having direct or close contact with someone is infected (touching them and then touching the mouth or nose) and drinking an infected person's water or using their utensils1. The very first cause listed is something an individual may not be able to control, which is why norovirus is so common and contagious.
Symptoms and Effects
The more ordinary
In 1994, a stable in Hendra, a suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia broke out with an unknown respiratory disease that resulted in thirteen horses and one horse trainer severely ill, resulting in death. [7, 8] This disease was isolated by scientists and later classified as the Hendra virus. The Hendra virus (HeV), previously unknown, is now classified under the family Paramyxoviridae, genus Henipavirus along with its sister viruses the Nipah Virus and Cedar virus.[7, 9] HeV has the capability of causing fatal diseases in several animal species including humans.[1] The primary host of the Hendra virus was identified as the flying fox species from the genus Pteropus[1,2,3] that resides and migrates through Northeastern Australia[8] or more specifically, the East coast of Australia to Melbourne and west across Northern Australia to Darwin[7].
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common virus in the United States that can infect almost any individual. Cytomegalovirus is also referred to as Herpesvirus-5, which belongs to a branch of Herpesviridae family. Herpesviridae has a spherical shape that contains four significant elements that are important to the viron. The four elements are the core, tegument, capsid and the envelope. Alphaherpesvirinae, Betaherpesvirinae and Gammaherpesvirinae are three subfamilies which belong to Herpesviridae. Cytomegalovirus belongs to the Betaherpesvirinae family, which also include Muromegalovirus and Roseolovirus. The Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily includes Simplexvirus, Varicellovirus, Mardivirus and Iltovirus genera. The Gammaherpesvirinae subfamily contains Lymphocryptovirus and Rhadinovirus genera. The diameter size of the virus is based on each specific family; however, the core remains the same throughout the species, which contains single layer of double stranded DNA tightly condensed in the capsid. In the tegument component, there are 30 or more viral proteins that are shapeless that encompass the capsid. Out of the four major components, the tegument has the most poorly defined structure. On the other hand, the capsid is a well-defined structure that is an icosahedron, which is composed of 162 capsomeres, 12 of which are pentons and 150 are hexons (1). Last but not least, the liquid envelope surrounds the tegument with approximately 10 glycoprotein and cellular proteins. Each subfamily under the herpesviriade has its own arrangement between the liquid envelop and the tegument layer.
In crowded conditions, the rate of infection is even more rapid. The diseases brought over to America were mainly spread by the respiratory method. The pathogenesis of infection is through the ingestion of contaminated food and water. Throughout Europe during the 15th century, food and water were contaminated with fecal matter and by unsanitary habits ( i.e. the lack of bathing). The traumatic route of infection is through insect and animal bites.
Infection with C. perfringens as a food-borne illness is acquired from consumption of food or water that has come in contact with the bacterium. Some possibilities include unwashed fruits and vegetables, undercooked me...
During periods of the norovirus outbreak, adequate and specific nursing care is extremely important in order to care for the elderly in the aged care setting. Nursing care such as personal care and skin hygiene care is important. As residents become infected with the norovirus, their personal care plans need to be changed. Full personal protective equipment (PPE) such as eye protection, glasses, face shields, googles ,aprons and gowns must be worn while assisting affected residents. This is necessary because this protective equipment protects nurses from getting the virus therefore minimising the chances of it spreading (NSW Government, 2015). Nurses need to be able to perform hand hygiene with antiseptic soap for 20-30 seconds before assisting
...evaporated into the air and remains suspended for a period of time (Georgia Pacific). It also occurs with dust particles that contain infectious agents (Georgia Pacific). Once again, if working in close contact of someone that is infected, cover the eyes, nose and mouth if possible to prevent the transmission of infection. Common-vehicle transmission refers to contaminated items such as food, water, medications, devices, and equipment that would transmit the microorganism (Georgia Pacific). Methods of preventing nosocomial infections and breaking the chain of transmission include: observing aseptic technique, frequent hand washing especially between patients, careful handling and disinfection of fomites, use of disposable items, patient isolation, institutional methods such as air filtration within the hospital, and an active oversight within the hospital (Abedon).
Norovirus is a major cause of morbidity in the general population. Children, the elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems and co-morbidities (McCabe-Sellers & Beatte, 2004) are particularly vulnerable to the effects of the virus. The economic burden of foodborne norovirus is significant (Painter et al., 2013). Researchers examined 14 foodborne pathogens that account for 95% of all confirmed foodborne illnesses and associated hospitalizations and 98% of deaths in the United States. One of the 14 pathogens evaluated was norovirus.
Although food borne outbreaks are sometimes seen with rotavirus and astrovirus, these viruses typically affect children as opposed to adults. The viruses at the highest risk for food borne transmission are norovirus and hepatitis A virus. The reasons may be due to their extreme stability in the environment and their highly infectious nature (Koopmans et al., 2002).
Viruses can be transmitted in many ways. Being in contact with an infected person will most likely transfer the virus. One can also obtain the virus through swallowing, inhaling, and unsafe sex. Poor hygiene and eating habits usually increase the risk of catching a viral infection. Contracting a viral infection is followed by adverse s...
What is Foodborne Illness? According to a medical dictionary, foodborne illness is an acute gastrointestinal infection caused by consuming food contaminated with pathogenic, bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions or parasites. Such contamination was caused by improper food handling, preparation or storage of food. Contacts between food and pests, especially flies, cockroaches and rodents are a further cause of contamination of food. Foodborne illness can also be caused by adding pesticides or medicine to food or consuming or by accidentally consuming naturally poisonous substances. That is why foodborne illness can also be called food poisoning.
Food-borne transmission refers to any illness that results due to the consumption of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms ( Bacteria is the most often the pathogen that causes food-borne illness. This is usually due to improper handling of foods, improper preparation of food and improper food storage. According to the CDC, the top 5 contributing pathogens to food-borne illness are Norovirus, non-typhoidal Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp. and Staphylococcus aureus.
The most commonly recognized food borne infections are those caused by the bacteria Campylobacter, Salmonella, and E. coli 0157:H7, and by a group of viruses called Calicivirus, also know as the Norwalk viruses. “Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment, but not all bacteria cause disease in humans.” (Schmutz 1)
The most common cause of gastroenteritis in adults is the transmission of norovirus; a viral infection that spreads from fecal matter. Noroviruses are highly contagious and can spread directly from person to person, or indirectly through contaminated water and food. When a person is infected, the norovirus attacks their small intestine, entering a host cell by attaching to receptors and triggering endocytosis. It then proceeds to replicate itself, increasing the number of infected cells in the body. Symptoms appear roughly 1-2 days after the initial exposure to the virus, and lasts between 1-3 days. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and a loss of appetite are common symptoms of norovirus, however sufferers may also experience muscle aches, weakness and mild fevers and headaches. Rotavirus is another prevalent agent that causes gastroenteritis, however it only affects infants and young children, due to the fact that immunity against it is developed after infection. It is incredibly common and virtually every child in the world experiences symptoms of the rotavirus before they reach the age of
Brown, G. S. (2013, March 8). Royal Caribbean Cruisers Ill With Apparent Norovirus. ABC News. Retrieved from
Food-borne illnesses fall into two categories, intoxicant and infections. An understanding of the causes and preventions will limit any contaminations. The food preparation process emcompresses the sanitation process from