Nordstrom Case

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Milestone Three consists of the following: identifying your market segment, targeting that segment, managing the CRM, and identifying new product development opportunities 1. Divide your target market into segments. Address how the markets will be segmented and how the CRM will allow you to retain your segmented markets. Nordstrom segments are broken down into preference segments. There are three segments that Nordstrom has containing the following: homogeneous, diffused, and clustered. Homogeneous is a market with no natural segments. Diffused is a market with evenly distributed preferences with no concentration. Finally, a clustered market when natural segments exist and may be effectively targeted. Nordstrom’s segments focus on inside …show more content…

They are able to set up a product development center in a Nordstrom store for one week, which results in an app available to help shoppers buy sunglasses. In the innovation lab, Nordstrom is able to do customer centered design, concept testing, rapid prototyping, field testing, time boxing innovation, etc. …show more content…

How has the use of technology changed its interaction with its suppliers? Wholesalers? Other business partners? Nordstrom uses drop shipping. Drop shipping reduces the cost and the risk of holding inventory. Retailers stock only popular colors of a certain item, but making a more broad arrangement of colors available due to drop shipping. Drop shipping will reduce the risk with unsold inventory if sales decline. Nordstrom allows retails and suppliers to track each other’s inventories. This will reduce the olds of a consumer buying a product only to find out that it is unavailable (Chao). 3. There are five categories of new products: new inventions, new category entries, additions to product lines, product improvements, and repositioning target products to new markets for new uses. The process is the same regardless of the category. It includes idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, analyzing the business, prototype development, test marketing, and commercialization. a. Once the new products are identified for your business (Milestone One), how has the use of technology helped or hindered this organization in determining which new products to

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