Non-Verbal Communication and Inter-Cultural Communication

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Nonverbal communication is defined as the approach of conveying information and data by using speech, visuals, signs , behavior etc. Approximately 65% of the communication takes place through nonverbal attributes. Generally communication takes place with three steps. FIRST Is the thought or idea that comes in the mind of the sender. SECOND is the encoding which means sending message to the receiver in a particular gesture or sign or via a particular medium. THIRD is decoding of message which means gathering information from the encoded message.


NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION is the process of communicating where spoken words are least importantly used between the sender and receiver. The message is formed or encoded and send to the receiver in the form of gestures and signs. Nonverbal behaviour arises from our cultural sense(LERON,2003).CHEN in 2006 said that capabilities of conveying cultural values suitably effect communication permit people to become intercultural communication.

kinesics, chronemics and haptics further define the nonverbal way of communication in the society. Kinesics means the use of body language such as body movements and facial expressions. Chronemics is mainly concerned about communication with the help of time and space. How a manager use his space and resources including time to control and manage his colleagues. Haptics is the form of nonverbal communication which includes the sense of touch. nonverbal communication is complex way of understanding the message as a particular gesture may be understood different in different cultures and traditions. in non cultural environment it is important to use non verbal communication s...

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