Non-Discriminatory Selection Process

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In order for hiring managers to best promote non-discriminatory recruitment practices, they needs to understand the purpose of the fundamental legal requirements. Discrimination refers to “any refusal to employ or to continue to employ any person, or to aversely affect any current employees, on the basis of that individuals membership in a protected group” (Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2016, pg,67). Canadian jurisdictions prohibits discrimination at least on the basis of race, colour, religion, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, and physical or mental disability” (Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2016, pg.67). There are several ways that recruitment and selection process can be discriminatory, therefore there are some conceptual issues that need to be understood. The four issues that needs to be understood are the constitution law, human rights legislation, employment equity and labour law, employment standards, privacy legislation and related legislation.
Constitutional law serves as the supreme law of Canada. It is the body of law that consist of acts and orders passed in order to address issues in employment. The Constitution cites employment law sections from the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, laying …show more content…

(Catano, Hackett and Wiesner, 2016, pg.68)
It is important that hiring managers are aware of the Constitutional laws to ensure that discrimination is not occurring. This law may not affect recruitment and selection directly, but it can affect the process if the practice is being challenged. Therefore, hiring mangers should ensure that they are well aware of these policies as in the long run it can challenge how the individuals make

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