No Flesh Crabman Analysis

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A disembodied human head on metal crab legs, known as a crab man, has to battle evil forces to get stem cells that can make him whole again.


ANDRAKE is an elderly disembodied human head on metal crab legs. Andrake and the other crab men live underneath the ground. None of these “Men” have genitals. They want to be whole again and get back their penis. They also want to find all-flesh women to impregnate.

When a huge rat jumps on WRAG, a crab man, his face is bitten. Everyone flees, but Andrake and his brother DROOSE. Droose’s skull consists all wires and silicon beneath a metal and glass cage. Half of his brain is artificial. The DOCTOR, the only no-flesh crabman, operates on CHUZZY, a jittery crabman with half a tongue. …show more content…

Wrag stands at a lava pit. A Priest preaches that one among them is fated to be the sole survivor. He preaches about rescuing their women and impregnating them for the rebirth of their nation. He wants Wrag to make a sacrifice. Wrag melts in the lava pit.

A grenade is also thrown into the pit and explodes, injuring some of the crabmen, and hitting Droose. He’s badly hurt. The doctor bolts copper rivets to Droose. There’s now nothing organic left of his face, but his ear and nose. Droose’s brain-matter is now all just circuits. Andrake wants to donate some of his flesh for Droose, but it’s too risky and Droose won’t allow his brother to help him. Droose swears not to return and he goes aboveground.

The crabmen fear going above ground because they believe an enemy lives there. The men are waiting for their penis to become whole men again. There may be “stencils” aka Stem Cells aboveground. Andrake decides to go find Droose. Chuzzy and BELTCH go with Andrake. The Priest tells them not to return until they find him. Above ground they see a “castle” which is really a nuclear power

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