Nicholas Carr

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In the Article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr suggests that the internet, in this case google, is changing our way of thought and reshaping our intelligence. For he feels that “someone, or something,” has changed his way the matter he thinks. He no longer enjoys reading a book, no matter the size, since he cannot focus as well as he used to. He also goes on to explain that any time he spends online is altering his concentration. Along with that, he notes that the internet has saved him hours of physical research time involved with his works. Since that the internet shows him the needed information than referencing him to it.
The author knows that this technology has become a source to any needed information. You can almost tell that Carr feels that this medium comes with some sort of price. He writes that the media not only supplies the …show more content…

Reading requires people to train their minds to understand the text. Media has also played a key role in shaping actual parts of the brain to understand written language. Studies have demonstrated that readers of different languages developed differently in the “mental circuitry” apart from each other’s language. In the brain, variations can be found all over the cognitive regions responsible for language. Car goes on to explain that one could assume that there will be differences between the use of the Net and reading physical matter.
The author found out that back in the late 1800’s there was a man whom bought a typewriter, Friedrich Nietzsche. Just so happens that the man was losing his sense of sight. He tried so hard to keep writing past headaches and exhaustion. When it all seemed to be failing, the typewriter actually saved the day. Nietzsche learned the keys and was able to prevail with his new telegraphic skill. Nietzsche noted to a friend that “our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our

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