News Media Bias

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The role of news media is simple; deliver news to the public without bias. This concept is much

easier said than done considering the fact that the method in which news media delivers their

message and which content they choose to air in their broadcast impacts the way the audience

perceives their message. Considering humans will always have opinions, beliefs and emotions, biasm

in journalism is inevitable, so as journalists, the aim is not eliminating biasm, the aim should be to try

to convey the message without siding with anyone; simply to air news and let the audience decide for


When the news media decided to stretch the coverage of the TWA 847 hijacking, they had

neglected the use of proper news judgment and …show more content…

This means that it may seem like terrorism is

increasing, but that's only because it's actually being aired on the news. A good example of that is

how everyone is knowledgeable about the civil war in Syria, but does anyone really know that Somalia

is still undergoing its own civil war? Very few people do. Does it mean it's not happening just because

media isn't cover it? Of course not, same goes for terrorism. There's terrorism everywhere but we are

not made aware of it because certain networks choose not to cover it. Terrorism will always be an

ongoing problem, news media may facilitate the communication between the terrorists and the

organization they're against, but it'll never be an incentive terrorism as a whole. For terrorists to be

terrorists, they would have to be do or die extremists; they will stand by their cause whether the

news covers their story or not. They don't need the news to air their demands and explain their

motives because the acts of terrorism they perform speak for themselves. The extra coverage the

news media offers is a bonus but it's never a motivator for terrorism.

Some people may argue that disclosing military information, certain policies and laws with …show more content…

It's not all for views though. The other factor is the

government's agenda. It has a lot to do with what gets put out there and what doesn't. Considering

the fact the government can't single-highhandedly brainwash its public, it'll use a variety of methods

to help shape it's nation's beliefs. By showing us how awful Muslims are and how much of brutes they

are, and by doing it systematically and progressively, the people will naturally fear and hate Muslims.

The kidnapping and killing of an American, or a couple of Americans for that matter, shouldn't

be a big deal. The sad truth is that each individual is one out of millions, so most of us who are not

famous, are insignificant with regards to being newsworthy. However, in this particular incident, the

entire ordeal was worthy of national coverage; this is because it was the captivity of an entire plane

under the threat of terrorism. To an extent, it does threaten national security and although the threat

isn't immediate (which means it shouldn't call for a crisis), it still involves a risk to a country

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