Never Shall I Forget Elie Wiesel Analysis

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Writing about an event that has occurred can be hard for some writers, to write about the atrocities of the Holocaust authors used several different writing techniques. Many survivors of the Holocaust have yet to tell their stories to the world because of the unspeakable memories in their minds. The Holocaust was a cruel time that was from 1933 to 1945. The biggest memory of the Holocaust is the killing of 11 million people in total, 6 million Jews as well as 5 million non Jews. The leader who did this was Adolf Hitler. Through the years, Hitler slowly made his way to doing intolerable things to the Jews. Hitler had the Jews put into concentration camps where the prisoners were starved, tortured, and worked to death. With few survivors of the Holocaust one may think, how does an author, or survivor …show more content…

The very few authors or survivors who have memories of the Holocaust used many approaches such as powerful imagery, figurative language, repetition, and powerful word choice to describe the unforgettable.
One of the techniques that authors used to try and describe the horrid events of the Holocaust was powerful imagery. Elie Wiesel states in his excerpt in Doc A “Never shall I forget"....small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky." To put that experience into words that children are burning can affect one because Elie Wiesel used such a meaning and unforgettable scene, with the right words so that reader could get the image Elie wanted to send out. In Primo Levis’ excerpt,he states, "...temperature below freezing, wearing only a shirt, underpants, cloth jacket and trousers, and in one’s body nothing

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