Night, By Elie Wiesel: An Analysis

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When an evil leader comes to power you would think it would be easy to overrun this leader and stop him in his tracks, but this is not always true. Elie Wiesel, a young teenager during the Holocaust is sent to many concentration camps. He sees the horror of what an evil power can do. As Elie Wiesel writes Night, he shows that in difficult times people stay silent and do not fight back, staying obedient to a powerful leader. An powerful leader can lead people to do many things, even when a leader is evil, men will still obey the authority figure. One example of this obedience is where the German citizens allow the Nazi soldiers to live in their homes. This example shows that the citizens are following this authority figure. The obedience is …show more content…

For instance when the author writes about the woman it the cattle car being beaten. This is a perfect of example of human nature in shock. The horrible conditions make the Jewish in shock and leave the human nature of them to take action. That is why they beat the woman, due to the benefit for them not listening of the screaming. Also one example of silence when Elie says, “we stood stunned, petrified” (p.31). This example does not only literally mean they stayed silent, but it also shows how this fear of the authority could cause these people not to do anything and standby. This was the turning point of how the Jewish citizens were going to get through this Holocaust, and how human nature kicked in and makes life, everyman for himself. Also when Elie Wiesel is interviewing with Oprah, he talks about how women and children were sent to gassing chambers with ease. He talks about how they stood in line to face their death. This shows how the silence was present in them waiting. There was no fighting back due to the fear of them or their children being killed. So this example is perfect for showing the terror that the jews faced and how they stayed

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