Never Alone

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Society stresses on individuality and to be yourself when growing up. Though as one grows up he or she starts see the trend to be part of groups that share the same ideas as they do. This trend seems to be something that is just naturally to us. We enter groups with individual ideas but soon after our ideas become that of the groups. These group ideas start to change our though process on things sometimes making them even more and more unoriginal. It is this unoriginality that we hear the phrase think outside the box, or do something that's never been done. Though these phrases intrigue us to do so we many times just tend to say or do what is expected to be or is thought to be accepted. Even though one has their own individual identity, we still go through the thought process of that of a group or with the groups ideals in mind. Acceptance is the key factor when groups come to mind because in order to have a group the members must be accepting or in collaboration with the others ideas in said group.
As we grow up and go along the road of life we start to venture our ways toward people or groups who have the same thoughts as us. I agree with Lessing when I say this that it is in our nature to do so. “The fact is that we all live our lives in groups the family, work groups, social, religious and political groups. Very few people are happy as solitaries, and they tend to be seen by their neighbors as peculiar or selfish or worse. Most people cannot stand being alone for long. They are always seeking groups to belong to, and if one group dissolves, they look for another. We are group animals still, and there is nothing wrong with that.” (Lessing 334). Such as many other animals do, us as human beings usually act or...

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...ccept that this is the way our writing has to be for the assignment and we put those grouped ideas down in order to again hopefully gain acceptance of the group or person reading it in order to get a good grade.
Since almost everything is constantly grouped our knowledge has been that of group learning. Group learning has created the foundation for this very essay. However whether it be out of the classroom or not we tend to change our perception of not only our thoughts but our perception to others in that of whatever group we want to be accepted in. That is why the saying finding a diamond in the rough is truly remarkable. Because it defines a diamond as an individual and the rough as groups. If someone is truly a diamond they have been able to keep themselves clear of all critical grouping and have truly been able to experience things and act on their own.

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