Neurotransmission In Psychology

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One of the principles of the biological level of analysis is that behavior is a result of various complex processes. Human behavior is likely to change due to self-related, environmental, and social influences. Nuerons in our body can often be called the building blocks to behavior. Therefore, neurotransmission, the method in which the neurons send messages that creates a synapse, essentially creates the behavior. Different neurotransmitters hold different effects to human behavior like serotonin with the effect of arousal/sleep and dopamine with the effect of pleasure. This exhibits how neurotransmission has an effect on human behavior.
Serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for arousal, when released may impact your thinking and reasoning skills. Low levels of serotonin are linked with antisocial and impulsive behavior; serotonin also regulates sleep, arousal levels and emotion. The feelings you experience may handicap one’s normal everyday behavior. One study involving serotonin is a Japanese monk study (Kamatsu and Hirai {1999}). The researchers studied how sensory deprivat...

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